Public Performances

Marvin Shields Camp of Heroes of '76, attached to Olympic Chapter No. 539, is pleased to actively pursue an effort of public presentations in support of furtherance of Americanism and Patriotism throughout our geographical area.

We are delighted to have recognized for these efforts in 2003-2004 by receiving the Jonathan M. Wainwright Award. This award is only given once to any camp and we are very proud of having been selected for this honor during our first year in existence. We owe this due to the very active efforts of many individuals but especially to those who honored us by honoring the ideals of patriotism and Americanism by asking us to perform.

If you would like to add one of our patriotic performances to your event, please see what we have to offer and contact any one of our members for additional information.

View a detailed listing of our performances

2003 - 2004 Performances

2004 - 2005 Performances 

2005 - 2006 Performances

2006 - 2007 Current Performances